Years ago, 18 of them to be exact, Joe Nemcik and David Harper met at a job in common.  Both were going to college, trying desperately to make ends meet on part time employment.  The place was San Jose's McDuff's TV & Stereo, the meeting, purely by chance.  David was behind the counter with a customer.  Joe was goofing off doing impressions of Dwight Yokum's "Long White Cadillac" on the sales floor. 

The friendship was instant, and it wasn't long until they discovered they were both drummers!  In an effort to rid themselves of this mundane way of making a living, Favoritz was born.  David took up the keyboards and Joe switched from acoustic to electronic drums.  Nightclubs were still in full swing at the time.  They went to work on the technical problems associated with trying to make a duo sound big enough to play in dance clubs. That solved, they were off to work.  They started gigging immediately, building a local following.

"The dance clubs were a lot of fun to play," says Joe.  "Favoritz had the right sound and because we played a variety of music, we were noticeably different than the other bands."

A very natural progression followed.  As their repertoire increased and voices grew stronger, they were asked to play at company parties and in the homes of the elite.  From there, the word spread and they found less and less time for the clubs.

(by David & Joe)

It was supposed to just be a college-funding project, but it's hard to argue with success, David comments. Favoritz has outlasted my expectations by about 15 years.  I thought we'd grab our degrees and never see each other again.  But the phone rings more today than ever. 

So we enjoy the niche we have here in providing live entertainment for about the cost of good DJ.  And the people, they "eat it up" says Joe.  "They get the live stuff, the good stuff!  The other day a bridesmaid came up to me at a wedding we were playing and said: 'I can't believe how good you guys are!  You sound just like the record, except better!  At my wedding we hired a DJ.  And if I could do it all over again, I'd hire you guys in a heartbeat!  What a difference!'"

So Favoritz continues on.  Now in the Gold Country of California, Favoritz has found a wonderful group of event professionals to work with.  The local talent here is just incredible!  David says: "You don't find talent like Beth Sogaard's Catering, or Ingrid Fraser's Fine Desserts in the Bay Area anymore.  These people are the difference between stone-average and exceptional.  And Joe says: " That's right, and we'll all be doing this until the gold plating starts chipping off our walkers, thank you very much."