It's a strange world sometimes.  We all work so hard, day in day out.  And there comes a point where something has to give.  That's where the Favoritz Band comes in.

Year in, year out, Favoritz is called upon by the top corporations to entertain the troops at theme parties,  holiday events and annual summer get togethers. 

Call today and arrange for a free CD and promotional materials to be sent out to your company. 

Air Force
Apple Computer
Blue Diamond
Builders Exchange
Calaveras Teachers Asoc
Cameron Park Vette Club
Cisco Systems
Deaver VIneyards
Discovery Bay CC
Fairfield Properties
Farmers Insurance
Hewlett Packard
Italian Benevolent
Ironstone Kautz Winery
Jackson Rancheria
Kelson Creek Winery
Macchia Winery
Mace Meadows
March Of Dimes
New Star Lasers
Nine Gables Winery
Oak Ridge Winery
Oakstone Winery
Ronald McDonald House
San Jose State
Sierra Service League
SJ Capital Club
Soroptomist Int.
Sun Microsystems
Sutter Health
Turning Point
UC Davis
United Way
UpCountry Rotary
Vino Piazza Wineries
WC Racquet Club
West Point